Sangam Sharma (♀)
Independent artist and experimental filmmaker
Diagonale 2021 mit Cathrin Mayer pictured by Karo Suder
Texts about my work:
Another Europe:
Diagonale Festival for Austrian Film (English)
Diagonale 21 (German)
Halle für Kunst Steiermark (English)
Halle für Kunst Steiermark (German)
Tel Aviv International LGBT Film Festival (English)
Transition Film Festival 20 press release (German)
Mixed Media:
Mono Presse Aussendung (German)
Frozen Music/Schallplatte-Plattenbau:
Exhibition catalogue Ask Yo Mama (German)
Kunstraum Niederösterreich Exhibition Ask Yo Mama (German)
Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien (German)
Hacking the streets:
Institute of Documentary Film (English)
Brive Film Festivsal (French/English)
Festival OFNI Poiters (French)
Rencontres Internationales (German)
Academy of Fine Arts/Vienna:
Pop rock Animal
Wiener Video und Filmtage Katalog 2001 (German)
My texts are published in: